The Ross Parishes are a part of the Ross & Archenfield Deanery.

LifeLink Chaplain

An exciting project is underway to appoint a LifeLink Chaplain to work with young people of secondary school age in our deanery. You can learn more about that on this page

Deanery organisation (and reorganisation)

In March 2021 the parishes of the South Wye Rural Benefice (Ballingham, Dinedor, Holme Lacy and Little Dewchurch) joined the Deanery (filling the gap in the map between Little Birch and How Caple) as part of a wider reorganisation of Diocesan Deanery boundaries.

A major reorganisation of the deanery is underway at present, the shape of many of the benefices will change in due course, along with a reduction in the number of clergy. This is the current organisation.